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These two paint a perfectly idyllic picture of happy horse living.🤞🏻They’ve been joined at the hip since the day of their arrival and they’re set to become fantastic horses.
We even have a suspicion that Ruby (black horse) may step into the alpha role one day. She’s definitely shown enough bossiness, courage and “I-do-things-my-way” mindset for it.
Colorado (paint), on the other hand, is a happy-go-lucky type who fights (and loses against) the urge to nibble on everything (even rocks!!!). They make a perfect pair.
It is always a joy to interact with them and see how much they’ve grown, physically, emotionally and mentally. When Colorado first arrived, for example, he’d hardly interacted with humans and was very shy. Now he’s the first of the herd to walk towards you, excited to try out all the different textures he could nibble on.
We can’t wait to experience them as fully grown and gallop together into the sunset, although this quirky teenager stage will always remain in our hearts 💗
#freeherd #tuscany #naturalhorsemanship #freehorses #leadwithyourheart #foals

Mystical snowy days of Christmas are now behind us. The horses, like every animal including us humans, get joyful and excited about snow! ❄️
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support and love for what we bring to the world.
May many more happy white Christmases be celebrated by the AsvaNara Academy, along all its supporters ❤️✨
Thank you!

We are sad to announce that our beautiful Gitano has left the body yesterday, at the prime age of 26.
He came to us as a lover’s tribute, a gift from Edwin to Ariane. A peppery Arabian stallion, beaming with lust for life, passion, strength.
Many people were carried to different dimensions thanks to his breathtaking beauty and soul. We thank him from the bottom of our hearts for accompanying our life’s path for such a long time with such grace.
He was a special horse, perennially curious, always with a mischievous look in his eye.
We lit fires and candles, prayed and sang for him and his soul’s path into a new dimension. Anyone who feels called to pay tribute to him is heartily welcome.
Thank you, Gitano, a million times thank you. 🕯️❤️

Galloping back onto your feed👀
We’re now ready to share insights of this summer! So much content, where do we start…
Here’s Estrella speeding up to keep up with her friends. In the summer they’re mostly on fields closer to us humans, so we often have the privilege of witnessing their gallop spectacles.
Sometimes the whole herd gets spooked by “ghosts” in the bushes and you’ll hear countless hoof beats on the ground, quickening your heartbeat. A true show of grace and strength!
#naturalhorsemanship #asvanara #freeherd #horselovers #italy #tuscany #leadwithyourheart

Young horses bring such beautiful energy and movement into our herd.
They can be spotted challenging older horses, grinding their gears and involving them in their playtime.
Sometimes, their playful gallop will influence the whole herd! Watching them dance across the fields is such an impressive sight.
Balance and harmony between old and young is necessary and beautiful!

The saddling process will morph into “The Saddling Ritual” when there’s a solid basis of trust in your HorseManShip.
Brush brush
Fly spray
Felt pad on
Saddle on
Hackamore on
And go!
The unsaddling process closes this ritual, with every step reversed. This time is precious, no matter if spent in complete silence and connection with your horse or filled with chatter and laughter.
In any case, it’s a crucial point where you want to make your horse trust you more and more. No throwing the saddle on against their will and calling it a day!

We all have aunties and cousins in our lives - as do horses!
Baby Brio here is pictured with two of them. The horses that were present to his birth and first days on earth are to him what we would consider relatives!
Sano, a beautiful Spanish “stallion” (actually a gelding though he thinks he isn’t) acts in the role of stepdad by always protecting him and taking care of his mother Briosa.
Anytime Briosa isn’t in the herd he immediately takes comfort in the presence of his “relatives”.
It’s truly an adorable sight and makes you ponder how social these animals really are.
What would it be like to trot a mile in Brio’s hooves?
Would one really perceive those horses as a family, like we humans like to interpret, despite them not being related by blood?

Most people’s first question when they hear about us is “Oh cool, do you ride western or english then?”. This is followed by a patient explanation of how it’s really just not about that.
No matter what saddle you put on your horse’s back or what riding style you boast about to your acquaintances, what comes first is the quality of the trust and respect between you and your horse.
Are you truly in a healthy relationship with them? Is every question followed by a positive answer?
Or is your horse following your orders while counting down the minutes for your session to end?
“If I trot and canter like this, do that trick followed by this, will you finally leave me alone then?”
Starkly different from having a willing partner to play with. Will you accept the hard truth and evolve into a better person for your horse?